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Strand-US 1906-07

Strand-US 1906-07.jpg Standard Plumbing Fixtures -1926BThumbnailsTexaco Gasoline and Motor Oil -1930AStandard Plumbing Fixtures -1926BThumbnailsTexaco Gasoline and Motor Oil -1930AStandard Plumbing Fixtures -1926BThumbnailsTexaco Gasoline and Motor Oil -1930AStandard Plumbing Fixtures -1926BThumbnailsTexaco Gasoline and Motor Oil -1930AStandard Plumbing Fixtures -1926BThumbnailsTexaco Gasoline and Motor Oil -1930A

Bald eagle perched on what looks like the branch of an olive tree, symbolizing armed peace, apparently. With "The Privateers," by H. B. Mariott Watson, and "the Romance of Lost Mines," and "Artist's Models."

Artist: Chas. J. Sindel, Jr.

Source: Photographer PopKulture

Restoration by: magscanner