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Ivory Soap -1912A

Ivory Soap -1912A.jpg Illustrated World 1915-10ThumbnailsMechanics and Handicraft 1935-11Illustrated World 1915-10ThumbnailsMechanics and Handicraft 1935-11Illustrated World 1915-10ThumbnailsMechanics and Handicraft 1935-11Illustrated World 1915-10ThumbnailsMechanics and Handicraft 1935-11Illustrated World 1915-10ThumbnailsMechanics and Handicraft 1935-11

This ad is a hundred years old, and it in turn is playing the nostalgia card by showing how things were 'way back when it was still the 1870's. Looks like an old-fashioned grocery store, but with a big display of cases of Ivory Soap at the counter. Published in the October, 1912 issue of the PEOPLE'S HOME JOURNAL.

Artist: Sartoro Fousey

Source: Charles Perrien

Restoration by: Charles Perrien