Go-Cart Baby Carriage -1900A.jpg Davidson Health Nipple -1897AThumbnailsKleinert's Baby Pants -1923ADavidson Health Nipple -1897AThumbnailsKleinert's Baby Pants -1923ADavidson Health Nipple -1897AThumbnailsKleinert's Baby Pants -1923ADavidson Health Nipple -1897AThumbnailsKleinert's Baby Pants -1923ADavidson Health Nipple -1897AThumbnailsKleinert's Baby Pants -1923A

Published in the December 19, 1912 issue of LIFE, the Humor Magazine.
Philadelphia Baby Carriage Factory provides the automatic Go=Cart; baby is not compelled to sit up as in other Go=Carts. Foot pressure converts style. Published in the March, 1900 issue of the WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION.


Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: Mariangela Buch