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Delicia Potted Meat Products -1919A

Delicia Potted Meat Products -1919A.jpg Collier's 1934-07-21ThumbnailsDutch Boy Painter 1940-07+08Collier's 1934-07-21ThumbnailsDutch Boy Painter 1940-07+08Collier's 1934-07-21ThumbnailsDutch Boy Painter 1940-07+08Collier's 1934-07-21ThumbnailsDutch Boy Painter 1940-07+08

Directly from our industrial kitchens to your upper-middle-class estate come our potted meat products, cooked just as you would like them. Cold meats, ready for your sandwich or high tea plates. From the August, 1919 issue of the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL.

Artist: C. Brewer [?]

Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: Mariangela Buch