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Scientific American 1891-08-15

ScientificAmerican1891-08-15.jpg Popular Science 1942-09ThumbnailsScientific American 1902-03-29Popular Science 1942-09ThumbnailsScientific American 1902-03-29Popular Science 1942-09ThumbnailsScientific American 1902-03-29Popular Science 1942-09ThumbnailsScientific American 1902-03-29Popular Science 1942-09ThumbnailsScientific American 1902-03-29

Evolutions of the U. S. squadron and drill of the New York State Naval Reserve. The attack on Fisher's Island. Cannon practice at sea. The Hotchkiss rapid firing gun. Breech-loading rifle and crew.

Source: Steve Kirch, collector, and creator of a great website about SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN in the past

Restoration by: magscanner