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Scientific American 1912-01-13

Scientific American 1912-01-13.jpg Scientific American 1893-04-08ThumbnailsScientific American 1912-12-14Scientific American 1893-04-08ThumbnailsScientific American 1912-12-14Scientific American 1893-04-08ThumbnailsScientific American 1912-12-14Scientific American 1893-04-08ThumbnailsScientific American 1912-12-14Scientific American 1893-04-08ThumbnailsScientific American 1912-12-14

Fire protection in the Rocky Mountain forests. This forest ranger is provided with field glasses, compass, and a map of the district, by which he is able to locate an outbreak of fire.

Source: Steve Kirch, collector, and creator of a great website about SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN in the past

Restoration by: magscanner