B_ V_ D_ Underwear -1915A.jpg Armorside Corsets -1895AThumbnailsB. V. D. Underwear -1917AArmorside Corsets -1895AThumbnailsB. V. D. Underwear -1917AArmorside Corsets -1895AThumbnailsB. V. D. Underwear -1917AArmorside Corsets -1895AThumbnailsB. V. D. Underwear -1917A

It's big business, and the Old Man tells the Boy to not sweat it in the heat, to cool off by wearing lightweight, cool BVD's. Don't miss the copy of SYSTEM lying by the telephone! From the June, 1915 issue of HEARST'S MAGAZINE.

Artist: David Robinson

Source: Charles Perrien

Restoration by: Charles Perrien