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Winton Cars -1904A

Winton Cars -1904A.jpg Winkley Artificial Limbs -1911AThumbnailsWinton Cars -1919AWinkley Artificial Limbs -1911AThumbnailsWinton Cars -1919AWinkley Artificial Limbs -1911AThumbnailsWinton Cars -1919AWinkley Artificial Limbs -1911AThumbnailsWinton Cars -1919AWinkley Artificial Limbs -1911AThumbnailsWinton Cars -1919A

Very poor registration, but anyway, here's an otherwise good picture of a horseless carriage that looks like one. Touring car with a sunbonnet. Kind of classy, actually.
Published in the January 30, 1904 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.

Source: Steve Kirch, collector, and creator of a great website about SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN in the past

Restoration by: magscanner