Peerless Motor Cars -1930A.jpg Peerless Motor Cars -1912AThumbnailsPeerless Motor Cars -1920APeerless Motor Cars -1912AThumbnailsPeerless Motor Cars -1920APeerless Motor Cars -1912AThumbnailsPeerless Motor Cars -1920APeerless Motor Cars -1912AThumbnailsPeerless Motor Cars -1920APeerless Motor Cars -1912AThumbnailsPeerless Motor Cars -1920A

Forgotten now, but in 1930 Peerless could still buy a two-page ad to sell itself to the Trade at the Auto Show. We lost a bit of the center because the gutter was too deep; the issue ran almost 400 pages! Originally published in the special Auto Show issue for January, 1930, of MOTOR


Source: Tom Harris, eBay seller lifehumormag

Restoration by: Michael Ward