Urinopathy-1905A.jpg Turkish Hair Grower -1899AThumbnailsVan Vleck Piles Treatments -1911ATurkish Hair Grower -1899AThumbnailsVan Vleck Piles Treatments -1911ATurkish Hair Grower -1899AThumbnailsVan Vleck Piles Treatments -1911ATurkish Hair Grower -1899AThumbnailsVan Vleck Piles Treatments -1911ATurkish Hair Grower -1899AThumbnailsVan Vleck Piles Treatments -1911A

Ad for Urinopathy, from the July 2, 1905 issue of the newspaper syndicated SUNDAY MAGAZINE. It's about the kidneys, and maybe we don't want to know how it works


Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: Michael Ward