DrRhodesAstringentHairLotion-1900A.jpg Dr Gourauds Oriental Cream -1900AThumbnailsFeatural Wrinkle Process -1904ADr Gourauds Oriental Cream -1900AThumbnailsFeatural Wrinkle Process -1904ADr Gourauds Oriental Cream -1900AThumbnailsFeatural Wrinkle Process -1904ADr Gourauds Oriental Cream -1900AThumbnailsFeatural Wrinkle Process -1904A

OK, it's not too certain what this ad for Dr. Rhodes' Astringent Hair Lotion is telling us. The text says it will cure dandruff, itching and sore scalps, and baldness. The pictures, on the other hand, seem to show that it will change you from a beautiful woman to a bearded man, and as a man you will lose your hair in three years. (Beard's still OK, though.) We're still trying to parse "Write FREE TRIAL very interesting book on for scalp diseases, symptom blank for FREE ADVICE and full account of unique $500 Cash Prize hair-growing contest." Published in the March, 1900 issue of WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION.

Source: Mariangela Buch

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