Dillon Car Headlight Lenses -1919A.jpg Devil Dog Anti-Theft Warning -1930AThumbnailsDisteel Wheels -1919ADevil Dog Anti-Theft Warning -1930AThumbnailsDisteel Wheels -1919ADevil Dog Anti-Theft Warning -1930AThumbnailsDisteel Wheels -1919ADevil Dog Anti-Theft Warning -1930AThumbnailsDisteel Wheels -1919ADevil Dog Anti-Theft Warning -1930AThumbnailsDisteel Wheels -1919A

Don't project a narrow beam of Dangerous Shaft Light; go for the Big Safe Light that projects, diffuses, and deflects. Pardon? Ad for Dillon headlight lenses, from the June, 1919 issue of the AMERICAN REVIEW OF REVIEWS. We never even think today about buying this component separately.

Source: Magazineart.org Physical Archives

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