Dentyne Gum -1948A.jpg Dentyne Gum -1940AThumbnailsDiamond Walnuts -1924ADentyne Gum -1940AThumbnailsDiamond Walnuts -1924ADentyne Gum -1940AThumbnailsDiamond Walnuts -1924ADentyne Gum -1940AThumbnailsDiamond Walnuts -1924ADentyne Gum -1940AThumbnailsDiamond Walnuts -1924A

Girls all like Dentyne. That's dating sense, as shown by these two hip guys, one of whom packs three packs. In the background are the spires of the University chapel, and a statue of a man about to beat a flightless eagle with a market umbrella. Anyway, clean teeth, clean breath, and you can pass them around.
Published in a 1948 issue of WOMAN'S DAY.



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